Julia Siporin
Eugene, Orgeon
About Me
Julia has always explored ways to be in vital and creative relationship with nature and has enjoyed opportunities to share her passions as a teacher. She sees herself as a dance partner surfing on ever- evolving spirals guiding her deeper into a dynamic intimacy with Life. Time in nature inspired her to create music expressing gratitude. More importantly, she learned to listen to nature expressing herself through music, dance, and birdsong.
In the late 70s, this spiral led to an enduring yoga and daily meditation practice further attuning her to this heartfelt relationship. After 26 years of teaching and inspiring third-graders, Julia became a yoga teacher and teacher trainer with advanced certifications. She’s led international yoga retreats where nature and meditation were central supports for rejuvenation.
Julia completed his Awake in the Wild teacher training in 2022. She leads half-day retreats at Mt. Pisgah Arboretum where she also leads monthly bird walks and offers workshops on identifying birds by sound. Ever the life-long learner, Julia is now in a year-long “Morning Altars” teacher training with Day Schildkret to create and teach others to create impermanent works of earth art.
Peruse Julia’s website: Eairth Offerings